A Museum District Engagement in Richmond Virginia | Brittany & Logan| Sarah Duke Photography

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

A Museum District Engagement in Richmond Virginia | Brittany & Logan | Sarah Duke Photography

March 23, 2019

I had such a great time with Logan and Brittany downtown during their engagement session! It was a perfect spring day to walk around and see all the newly flowered trees, and adventure some of Richmond. I had fun getting to know this sweet couple and sharing in the excitement for their upcoming wedding next month!

Brittany avidly recalls the first time she saw Logan because he came into her work - but it wasn't until a later time they would actually meet and hang out together. A trip to play laser tag with mutual friends would be the initial introduction... an introduction to a long and strong friendship. I admire this quality about Logan and Brittany, they took their time to get to know each other and were best friends for years before taking it to the next level. Brittany explained their first real date was sharing Chipotle at the river, where the two talked about everything and anything. From that day forward, they were inseparable!

Logan proposed to Brittany at Burn Camp over the summer where they are both counselors. It was a summer she would never forget! The very last day, he got down on one knee and asked the big question. The sweetest memory Brittany explained was the fact Logan stayed up until 3am the night before teaching himself how to play their favorite song on the guitar for the proposal.

Here are some of my favorites from our time together! <3

Copyright © 2015-2020 Sarah Duke Photography



LOCATIONS: Museum District & Virginia Museum of Fine Arts | Richmond Virginia


Chapter 1. Brittany & Logan Engaged